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Monday, September 27, 2010

PDD03 Calling Conventions Critique

I've wanted to get back into this habit for a while, and today is the day to do it. Following a short conversation with Parrot hacker plobsing yesterday, I've decided to tackle PDD03, the "Calling Conventions" design document first. In the coming days I would also like to take a close look at some other PDDs for systems which are receiving current developer attention. Quotes are all from the text of PDD03.

FAQ: Given Parrot's internal use of continuation-passing style ["CPS"], it
would be possible to use one pair of opcodes for both call and return, since
under CPS returns are calls.  And perhaps someday we will have only two
opcodes. But for now, certain efficiency hacks are easier with four opcodes.

"Perhaps someday"? Is this an authoritative design document or a dumping ground for assorted wishful thinking? This document should say exactly what Parrot wants in the long run. Do we want two opcodes for simplicity, or do we want four opcodes because of optimization potential? I would suggest that we have two opcodes only, and we can implement optimizing behaviors by having multiple types of Continuation object, with at least one type specifically optimized for simple subroutine returns. We used to have the RetContinuation PMC type, and while it wasn't the right solution for the problem it did have a glimmer of a good idea buried in it.
set_opcode "flags0, flags1, ..., flagsN", VAL0, VAL1, ... VALN
get_opcode "flags0, flags1, ..., flagsN", REG0, REG1, ... REGN
get_opcode "..., 0x200, flags0, ...", ..., "name", REG0, ...
It's hard to talk about needing to add extra opcodes to facilitate "efficiency hacks", and then saying that for every single parameter pass and retrieval that we need to parse integer values from a constant string. Mercifully, this isn't what we do anymore. In all these cases the first argument is a FixedIntegerArray of flags, which is computed by the assembler and serialized as a constant into the bytecode. At the very least, the design document should be updated to reflect that bit of sanity.

What's interesting here is the fact that these opcodes are variadic. That is, these opcodes (which, I believe, are unique among all 1200+ opcodes in Parrot) take an open-ended list of arguments. This makes traversing bytecode extremely difficult, which in turn makes tools for generating, reading, and analyzing bytecode extremely difficult, and needlessly so. Far superior to this would be to serialize information about the register indices into the same PMC that contains the flags for those parameters.

Right now, we use a special PMC called a CallContext to help facilitate subroutine calls. The CallContext is used to pack up all the arguments to the subroutine, and then it also serves as the dynamic context object for the subroutine. It contains the actual storage for the registers used, and handles unpacking arguments into those registers. It also manages some other things for context, like lexical associations between subs and other details.

In short, the CallContext stores some static data that we usually know about at compile time: argument lists and argument signatures, parameter signatures, etc. It also knows where arguments are coming from, whether they are coming from constants or registers, and which registers exactly are being used. All this information is needlessly calculated at runtime when it could easily be computed at compile time and stored in the constants table of  the PBC. If we split CallContext up into a dynamic part (CallContext) and a static part (CallArguments and maybe CallParameters), we could serialize the static part at compile time and avoid a lot of runtime work.

Here's an example call:

set_args callargs # A CallArguments PMC, which can be loaded from PBC as a constant
invokecc obj, meth

Or, we could cut out the separate opcode entirely:

invokecc obj, meth, callargs

Here's an example subroutine using a new mechanism:

.pir sub foo
callcontext = get_params foo
callparams = get_param_defs foo
unpack_params callcontext, callparams

Here, again, "callparams" is a PMC containing static information about the parameter signature of the subroutine, and can easily be serialized to bytecode to avoid runtime calculations.

With this kind of a system we have three PMCs which can work together in tandem to implement a calling sequence, and can be easily overridden by HLLs to implement all sorts of custom behaviors. Plus, we get good separation of concerns, which is a typical component of good design. We have CallContext, which serves as the runtime context of the subroutine and acts as storage for registers and lexical associations. CallArguments performs a mapping of callee registers into a call object. Then we have a CallParameters which performs the inverse mapping of call arguments into parameter registers. With these three things anybody could write their own calling conventions and have them be seamlessly integrated into Parrot without too much trouble. At any time you can pack arguments into a CallContext using a CallArguments PMC (which you can created at runtime or serialize to PBC), and then unpack them again using a CallParameters PMC (which can also be created at runtime or compile time). Tailcall optimizations, loop unwinding, recursion avoidance, and all sorts of other optimizations become trivially possible to implement at any level.
For documentation purposes we'll number the bits 0 (low) through 30 (high).
Bit 31 (and higher, where available) will not be used.
Is there a particular reason why bit 31 is off limits? Is this only because INTVAL is a signed quantity, and we don't want to be monkeying with the sign bit (because an optimizing compiler may monkey with it right back)? That would make sense, but is absolutely unexplained here.
The value is a literal constant, not a register.  (Don't set this bit
yourself; the assembler will do it.)
This is something that upsets me to no end, and I would be extremely happy to change this particular behavior. Here's the current behavior, in a nutshell: Every single parameter has a flag that determines whether the parameter comes from a register or from the constants table in the bytecode. That means for every single parameter, on every single function call, we need to do a test for constantness and branch to appropriate behavior. For every single parameter, for every single function call. Let that sink in for a minute.

Consider an alternative. We have a new opcode like this:

register = get_constant_p_i index

The "_p_i" suffix indicates that the opcode returns a PMC and takes an integer argument. We could have variants for "_i_i", "_n_i" and "_s_i" too.

Let's compare two code snippets. First, the current system:

$I0 = 0
foo($I0, "bar")
inc $I0 
if $I0 < 100 goto loop_top

And now, in a system with a get_constant opcode:

$I0 = get_constant 0
$S1 = get_constant 1
$I2 = get_constant 2
foo($I0, $S1)
inc $I0
if $I0 < $I2 goto loop_top

It looks like more opcodes total, but this second example would probably execute faster. Why?

The foo() function is called 100 times. In the current system, every single time the function is called, every single time, the PCC system must ask whether the first argument is a constant (it never is) and whether the second argument is a register (it never is). Then, every single time, it needs to load the value of the second argument from the constant table. This is also not to mention the fact that the "if" opcode at the bottom could be loading the value of it's second argument from the constants table if that argument was a string or a PMC.  INTVAL arguments are stored directly in the PBC stream, so they don't need to be loaded from the constants table. Luckily, I think serialized PMCs are thawed once when the PBC is loaded and don't need to be re-thawed from the PBC each time that they are loaded.Of course, I could nit-pick and suggest we should only thaw PMCs lazily on-demand and cache them, but that's a detail that probably doesn't matter a huge amount in the long run (unless we start saving a hell of a lot more PMCs to bytecode).

Of course, for code generators we're going to need a way to get the unique integer index for each stored constant, which likely means we're going to need an improved assembler, but it is doable.

If this bit [:flat] is set on a PMC value, then the PMC must be an aggregate.  The
contents of the aggregate, rather than the aggregate itself, will be passed.
If the C bit is also set, the aggregate will be used as a hash; its
contents, as key/value pairs, will be passed as named arguments.  The PMC
must implement the full hash interface.  {{ TT #1288: Limit the required interface. }}

If the C bit is not set, the aggregate will be used as an array; its
contents will be passed as positional arguments.

The meaning of this bit is undefined when applied to integer, number, and
string values.

I understand what this passage is trying to say, but it's still pretty confusing. Plus, I always find it funny when our design documents contain references to tickets (and in this case, a ticket that hasn't drawn a single comment in 10 months from anybody who could make a reasonable decision on the issue). There's probably a bigger discussion to be had about what it means when a PMC declares that it "provides hash". Parrot does have some support for roles, but that support is thin and mostly untested. Plus, nowhere do we define what any of our built-in roles like "hash" and "array" actually mean. That's a different problem for a different blog post, but it is worth mentioning here.

Here's a slightly better description: If you use the ":flat" flag, Parrot is going to create an iterator for that PMC and iterate over all elements in the aggregate, passing each to the subroutine. If the ":named" flag is used, that iteration will be done like hash iteration (values returned from the iterator are keys). Otherwise, the iteration will be normal array-like iteration. If the given PMC does not provide a get_iter VTABLE, an exception will be thrown. There's no sense talking about how the PMC must satisfy any kind of interface, since the only thing we require is that the aggregate is iterable.

It's worth noting that after looking at the code I don't think Parrot follows this design. I don't think the presence of the :named flag with the :flat flag changes the behavior at all. It appears from reading the code that hashes or hash-like PMCs are always iterated as hashes and the contents will always be passed as name/value pairs. Arrays and array-like PMCs are always iterated as arrays and their contents are always passed individually. Where a PMC is both array-like and hash-like at the same time, it's contents are iterated as an array and passed individually. I do not know whether this behavior is acceptable (and the design should be updated) or whether the implementation is lacking and the design is to be followed. I may try to put together some tests for this behavior later to illustrate.

If you're C-savvy, take a look at the "dissect_aggregate_arg" function in src/call/args.c file for the actual implementation.

As the first opcode in a subroutine that will be called with
invokecc or a method that will be called with call_methodcc, use
the get_params opcode to tell Parrot where the subroutine's or
method's arguments should be stored and how they should be expanded.

It's interesting to me that there would be any requirement on this being the first opcode. It seems to me that we should be able to unpack the call object in any place, at any time. That's a small nit, things work reasonably well with this weird restriction in place. I think we can support a wider range of behaviors, though I won't say anything about the cost/benefit ratio of the effort needed to do it.

Similarly, just before (yes, before) calling such a subroutine or
method, use the get_results opcode to tell Parrot where the return
values should be stored and how to expand them for your use.

I don't think this is the case anymore, but I do need to double-check the code that IMCC is currently generating. Obviously in a pure-CPS system we don't want to be going through this nonsense. Either Parrot does the sane thing and we need to update the docs, or Parrot doesn't do the sane thing and we need to update the design. Either way, kill this passage.

If this bit [:slurpy] is set on a P register, then it will be populated with an
aggregate that will contain all of the remaining values that have not already
been stored in other registers.


If the named bit is not set, the aggregate will be the HLL-specific array
type and the contents will be all unassigned positional arguments.

Which array type? We have several of them. If we mean ResizablePMCArray, we should say "ResizablePMCArray" so people know how to do the overriding.

An I register with this bit set is set to one if the immediately preceding
optional register received a value; otherwise, it is set to zero.  If the
preceding register was not marked optional, the behavior is undefined; but
we promise you won't like it.

Undefined behavior? In my Parrot? Why can't we define what the behavior is? We can promise that the behavior will be bad, but we can't even hint about what that behavior must be? That's pretty generous of us!

We could trivially identify these kinds of issues at PIR compile time, or we could catch these situations at runtime and throw an exception. Undefined behavior is precisely the kind of thing that design documents should be looking to clear up, not institutionalize. I am interested to know whether we have any tests for this, or if we could start writing some.

If this bit is set on a P register that receives a value, Parrot will ensure
that the final value in the P register is read-only (i.e. will not permit
modification).  If the received value was a mutable PMC, then Parrot will
create and set the register to a {not yet invented} read-only PMC wrapper
around the original PMC.

Future Notes: Parrot's algorithm for deciding what is writable may be
simplistic.  In initial implementations, it may assume that any PMC not of a
known read-only-wrapper type is mutable.  Later it may allow the HLL to
provide the test.  But we must beware overdesigning this; any HLL with a truly
complex notion of read-only probably needs to do this kind of wrapping itself.

Ah, something that looks pretty smart, though it's clearly listed in the PDD as "XXX - PROPOSED ONLY - XXX", which is not really a good sign. I've never been too happy with Parrot's current mechanism for marking PMCs as read-only anyway. This is a pretty interesting feature, though in current Parrot I'm not sure it could be implemented to any great effect. I may also like to see something like a ":clone" flag that forces a copy to be passed instead of a reference, or a ":cow" flag which produces a copy-on-write reference. Either way, we would probably like some kind of mechanism to specify that a caller will not be playing with data referenced by a passed PMC. This is especially true when you start to consider alternate object metamodels, or complex HLL type mappings: we don't want libraries modifying objects that the don't understand, and creating results that are going to destabilize the HLL. Having a guarantee that mistakes in the callee can't be propagated back through references to the caller would be a nice feature to have. Eventually.

Named values (arguments, or values to return) must be listed textually after
all the positional values.  fla and non-flat values may be mixed in any

Is this true? I see no reason in the code why named arguments must be passed after positional arguments. I do see a reason why named parameters must be specified after positional parameters, however. Consistency is good, but I tend to prefer that Parrot not implement unnecessary restrictions. Plus, it should be very possible for an HLL to override the default CallContext and other related PMC types and implement their own behaviors for things like ordering, overflow, and underflow.

That brings me to a point of particular unhappiness with this PDD: It is extremely focused on the behavior of the combination of IMCC, PIR, and built-in data types. It's not hard, with all the Lorito talk flying around, to imagine that in a relatively short time Parrot could be PIR free: System languages like NQP and Winxed could compile directly down to Lorito bytecode, and not involve PIR at all. We could be using HLL mapped types for CallContext and other things to completely change all this behavior. Explaining what the defaults are is certainly important, and suitable for in-depth documentation. Explaining how the defaults work and interoperate with HLL overriding types, and how the system should be extremely dynamic and pluggable is absolutely missing from PDD 03.

Named targets can be filled with either positional or named values.
However, if a named target was already filled by a positional value, and
then a named value is also given, this is an overflow error.

I find this a little bit confusing. Why can a named parameter be filled with a positional argument, but not the other way around? I suggest that a named parameter only takes a named argument, and a positional parameter only takes a positional argument. We should either provide other types (like :lookahead) if we want other behaviors, or we should allow the user to subclass the PMCs that implement this behavior and allow them to put in all the crazy, complicated rules that they want. Parrot defaults should be sane and general. Everything else should be subclassable or overridable.

The details included in this PDD are almost as troubling as some of the details omitted. Information about signature strings, which are used everywhere and are the only way to call a method from an extension or embedding program, are completely omitted. Being able to specify a signature as a string is a central part of the current PCC implementation, so that makes no sense to me. Information about central PMC types, like CallContext is nowhere to be found either, much less information about how to override these types, and the interfaces that they are expected to implement. Making calls from extension or embedding programs using variadic argument lists is completely missing. The differences between method and subroutine invocations, the difference between invoke and invokecc opcodes (And the implications of CPS in general) is missing. MMD is never mentioned. Tailcalls and optimizations related to them is missing. Details about passing arguments and extracting parameters from continuations and exceptions is missing. New and proposed flags like :call_sig and :invocant are not mentioned.

In my previous blog post, I mentioned four common problems that our PDDs suffered from. This document suffers from several. First, it's more descriptive than prescriptive, doing it's best to document what the defaults in Parrot were in 2008. Second, this document is rapidly losing touch with reality as changes the the PCC system are pushing the capabilities of Parrot beyond what the document accounts for. Third, it has an extremely narrow focus on IMCC/PIR, and is vague or is completely silent about any other possibilities, especially those (such as Lorito) that may play a dramatic role in the implementation of this system in the future.

PDD 03 doesn't tell our current users how to effectively use the calling conventions system of Parrot, and does nothing to direct our developers on how to improve it going forward. It really needs to be completely deleted and rewritten from the ground up. When it is, I think we will find some gold, both in terms of exposing virtues of the current implementation and describing plenty of opportunities for drastic improvement.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

PLA: Release 1

I'm happy to finally announce the first official release of Parrot-Linear-Algebra (PLA). PLA is an extension project for the Parrot Virtual Machine which brings linear algebra support and bindings to the BLAS library.

PLA has several dependencies (see below). Once you have those installed properly, you can obtain and install PLA using Plumage, the Parrot package manager:

plumage install parrot-linear-algebra

Or, if you prefer to do things the hard way, you can use this series of commands to obtain and build PLA like this:

git clone git:// pla
cd pla
parrot-nqp setup.nqp build
parrot-nqp setup.nqp test
parrot-nqp setup.nqp install 

Before you get started with PLA, you must install some dependencies.


You must have an installed copy of the Parrot Virtual Machine, version 2.8.0 or later.


PLA links to the BLAS library. You can use either the standard reference BLAS library from, or you can use one of the ATLAS or CBLAS variants. There are other implementations of BLAS, though PLA may not currently be compatible with all of them (patches and error reports welcomed!)


Kakapo is a development framework for the NQP language. It provides a unit testing library which PLA uses to implement its test suite. A special version of Kakapo is required for PLA release 1. You can use this sequence of commands to get and install that version:

git clone git:// kakapo
cd kakapo
checkout tag PLA-version-1
parrot-nqp setup.nqp build
parrot-nqp setup.nqp install


Sorry Windows guys! At the moment PLA only runs on Linux and other Unixy systems. Windows support is planned for future releases, but didn't make it into this one.

Next Release

PLA releases are not on a regular schedule. A new release might not come out again until new features are added or until something in the toolchain becomes incompatible.

Here are a list of TO-DO features that will eventually make it into future releases:
  1. Bindings to the LAPACK library, to add more linear algebra utilities
  2. Windows support, including a Windows installer
  3. Writing bindings for other programming languages which run on Parrot, including Rakudo Perl 6.
  4. Adding additional types, including special vector types and multi-dimensional tensor types.
If any of these things interest you, or if you have other cool ideas, please feel free to let me know and get involved!

New Participants Welcome!

Interested in PLA or linear algebra in general? You can fork a copy of PLA and start contributing right now! I'm happy to talk to interested contributors, and to add patches for bugfixes and new features into the core repository. Please let me know if you're interested in helping out.

If you have specific feature requests that you would like to see added to PLA, but aren't able to implement them yourself, please let me know.


I want to offer a big thanks to the greater Parrot community for helping in various ways. PLA relies on several tools and libraries, the result of many man-hours of work by Parrot community contributors.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Parrot Fundamentals: Design

Several days ago I wrote a sizable blog entry about the Parrot project, many of the ideas therein were discussed at length with fellow Parrot Foundation board member Jim Keenan when he came down to my area for a face-to-face meeting. Today I'm going to expand on some of those ideas, especially with respect to Parrot's design and roadmap.

Earlier this year  I wrote a pretty negative review of PDD23, the exceptions system design document. Actually, that's something I really should repeat with some of the other design documents as well. There are certainly a few that deserve the treatment. Maybe I'll try to do that again soon.

Anyway, there is nothing special about PDD23; it isn't an especially bad example. That's telling, actually. Looking through that directory, I find that the documents generally suffer from four common problems:
  1. Vague or Incomplete. Some PDDs are so incomplete, vague, or filled with holes that they are absolutely unusable for forming the decisions of our developers. PDD25 (concurrency) immediately comes to mind as one that contains very little actual design content. The majority of text in PDD25 consists of descriptions of technology, and reads more like an excerpt for "Threading for Dummies" than a real design document. PDD05, PDD06, PDD10, PDD14, PDD16, and maybe even PDD30 would also get put into this category. Notice that some of these PDDs are labeled as "draft" (and have been for years). I'm not really sure what a "draft" designation means, or how we go about getting them out of draft. I'll expand on that later.
  2. Not Forward-Thinking. There are many cases of PDDs which act as little more than copies of function-level documentation. PDD09 is one that I am eminently familiar with which is in this category, and unfortunately I've written much of the text in that document myself. At the time I rewrote it, I really didn't have much of a concept for what a design document should be, and what it could be. PDD09 describes what the GC was about a year ago, and things have changed significantly since then (and are changing rapidly now). PDDs which are not forward thinking provide absolutely no direction to developers doing new work. PDD08, PDD11, PDD20, PDD24 and PDD27 are good examples of this.
  3. Not In Sync with Reality. Some PDDs do not match the current implementation of things, and never really have (unlike the case above, where the implementation once matched the design, but has surpassed it). We have to ask in these situations why the design does not match the implementation: Is the design a lofty goal which the implementation is approaching by increments? Is the design unsuitable, and practical concerns have dictated a different approach? Did the implementation pre-date the design, and no attempt has ever been made to change it? PDD17 and PDD23 have some of this. PDD18 is also, by virtue of having never really been implemented.
  4. Not Good Design. Some PDDs really just don't represent the kind of good design that Parrot needs in the long term. Think about how often and how loudly people complain about certain topics: The object metamodel (PDD15). The lexicals implementation (PDD20). Parrot's bytecode format (PDD13). Other PDDs may fall into this category too, as the implementation approaches the design and we start to find the flaws.
The first question I suppose we need to ask ourselves as a community is this: What is the purpose of these design documents? The second question we might want to ask is: Do we want to keep these documents at all? A good third question is, depending on the answer to the previous question:  How do we want to go about improving the design documents to be what we want and need them to be?

The Parrot design documents can really be one of two things. The first is a form of summary documentation. Basically, the design documents would be a set of documents that distills what Parrot is currently capable of, and how it can be used. In other words, "interface documentation", or "man pages". A variant of this is to use the design docs as an a posteriori way to justify decisions that are made off-the-cuff by developers after they've already made their commits.  A second possibility is that the design documents should be the forward-thinking technical goals of the project, the lofty goals that every commit and every release strives to reach, even if we never quite attain it perfectly. I think there is far more value in the later option, and I'll explain why.

First off, we have lots of function-level documentation. We have automated tests which read our source code files and verify that we have documented (at least in a minimal way) every single function. We also have lots of tests, although admittedly tests make for pretty lousy documentation in a general sense. They can be used as a kind of reference, of course, to see how something works, but you often need to know what you're looking for before you go out to find it. We have tons of code examples too. We also have an entire book to teach some things, though it could use some work in it's own right. Our documentation for how to use Parrot is not always great, but we do have it in plenty of other places that we don't need to use the PDDs for that purpose. If documentation is lacking, we should improve the documentation, not subvert the design documents to serve as another layer of it.

Forward-thinking, lofty designs are extremely valuable. Consider the example of a coder who finds a missing feature in Parrot and no design for such a feature available. So she takes it upon herself to come up with a design and implement it. Weeks later she emerges and shows the fruits of her labors to the community with a request to merge her work into trunk. We as a community look it over, find a few problems and, with good cause, we reject it as bad design. Not just something that we can tweak to become suitable, but something that is fundamentally wrong for us. Thanks but no thanks. Smell you later, Alligator. That contributor will probably storm off and will never be heard from again. Also, with good cause.

Now let's look at a similar example, except we as a community have done the work ahead of time of writing out our intended designs for this fancy new feature. We describe exactly what we want, and what any implementation is going to need. Our same intrepid developer follows this design, and when she emerges with her labored fruit, it is much more acceptable. With some feedback and small tweaks, it is approved and merged to trunk.

I don't want to say this is super common, but it isn't unheard of either for people to show up to an open source project, unannounced, with a gigantic patch for a new feature. It also isn't completely unheard of for those gigantic patches to be summarily rejected. The more common case is where we have interested and energetic developers showing up to the Parrot project looking for problems to tackle. Saying "We don't have JIT, we could really use one" is far more daunting than "we don't have a JIT, but we have a design, and a list of prior art that we would like to model on." Following a map to your destination is much easier than having to design your own map first and then try to follow it.

There's an issue of motivation too. A person is much more willing to start working on a project when they have certainty that they are doing the correct thing, and that the software they produce will be usable and desirable. It's much easier to follow a path, even a very bare one, than it is to cut your own. Not to mention that the destination is much more certain.

This year, Parrot had 5 GSoC students assigned to it. Of those five, four of them contacted me personally about specific projects I discussed here on this very blog before submitting applications. I don't take any credit for anything, I'm certain Parrot would have had several high-quality applications and projects without me. But I do know that people are more quickly and easily able to latch onto fully-formed ideas more than they can attach to nebulous and vague ideas. Also, people may not even be aware that their interests and skills align with things that Parrot needs until they know exactly what Parrot needs.

If we--as a community-driven open source project--want to increase the size of our developer pool (and I suggest that we should always want that), we need to communicate what we need and help prospective developers align themselves with those needs.

When a new person comes to the Parrot chatroom, or the Parrot mailing list, and says "I would like to get involved in a Parrot development project, what can I do?", we can say something stupid like "Look around and try to determine for yourself what needs to be done", or "We need everything". That's not helpful and not encouraging, even if it's the truth! Instead, we can say "Look, we have a list of projects that we've designed and prepared for, but we haven't been able to implement yet. Want to take a stab at it?" The former usually leads to a confused developer who never comes back. The later can lead to a new active, empowered, permanent member of our development team.

For the sake of this discussion, we'll accept the axiom that more active developers in the project is generally a good thing, and losing existing developers, or raising the barrier to entry so high that new developers do not join is a bad thing. I'll argue the point till I'm blue in the face, if anybody wants to take me up on it.

In this sense, having better designs and plans means a lower barrier to entry for new users since it's easier for them to find a project to work on and they can begin work with more surety that what they are doing will ultimately be desirable and acceptable to the community. It's also a good motivator for existing community members. When I finish a project and have some (rare) spare time on my hands, it's better for me to be able to go right down to the next item on a checklist instead of having to look around blindly trying to find something that needs to be done. Sure, there are ways I could focus my search, but I still have to hope that something obvious appears in my focused search that I can work on.

All that said, I think I can answer the next few questions pretty quickly:

Do we need these documents at all? Yes, I think we do. They can serve as an important tool to guide new and old developers alike. They can help inform and populate specific tasklists on the wiki and elsewhere, and serve as an organizational focus for teams of developers looking to improve specific areas of Parrot. Good design documents can also be used as a tool to initiate a bidirectional communications with our consumers: projects that use Parrot as an integral part of their tool chains. I'll expand on this issue in particular in a later blog post.

How do we want to improve these documents? The time when we can all sit back and wait for a design to magically appear from nowhere is over. Good riddance. We have plenty of people in our project who are not only capable developers, but actually pretty great software engineers and software designers. Beyond that, we have lots of people, both in our core project and throughout the ecosystem, who know all the kinds of things that are going to be necessary for projects built on Parrot to be successful. Getting enough smart minds together to tackle a design challenge should be trivial.

My suggestion is this, though it's only one possible suggestion and I am not going to argue at all about details. For each design, we form a team of dedicated developers who could be considered experts on the particular topic. It would be trivial, for almost any design document we have, to put together a team of 3-4 people with some expertise in that subject. With a team, we could go through a regular checklist to produce a decent design document:

  1. Survey existing research, and find papers and prior art that we like.We could do this as a community before even creating the design team.
  2. Get input from the ecosystem, and maybe a special advisory panel, to get an idea for what kinds of features are required, which features would be nice, and what kinds of things to avoid.
  3. Give the design team some time to prepare and present a draft to the community
  4. We all paint the bikeshed for a few days
  5. We accept the design (assuming we actually accept it), and start developing towards it
If we have Parrot developer design meetings (PDS) every 6 months, that would seem like a great demarcation for this kind of process. At one  PDS we identify an area that needs design help and assemble an initial team to pursue it. At the next PDS we check out the findings, maybe approve them, and start the concrete development work. If we need to look things over and push approval off, we can do it at a subsequent weekly #parrotsketch meeting.

In any 6-month stretch, we are working on a set of development priorities which have already been properly designed, and we are preparing designs to work on for the next six month stretch. Our last PDS meeting was April 2010. That means we're due for one coming up in October or November if we want to stick to a 6 month schedule. I definitely think we should try to have a meeting thereabouts so we can re-focus on our current development and current design priorities.

TL;DR: Parrot's PDDs are in a bad state, but they really do serve an important purpose and we need to make sure they get updated. PDDs should not be short summaries of other existing documentation. Instead, they should be forward-looking documents that describe what goals we are trying to reach. We need to get input from developers and also Parrot's consumers and end-users in shaping those PDDs. I'll post more about this later.

    Monday, September 20, 2010

    Woe Is Parrot!

    I received two quick comments to my blog post from yesterday. One of which was from Parrot developer chromatic, who always makes good points and always deserves a thoughtful reply. We did have a quick back-and-forth in the comments of that post, and he wrote a blog post of his own on the topic. Given all that, I wanted to write a follow up and try to be a little bit more clear about things. First, here's a part of my original post that drew his ire in particular:
    Name me one other mature, production-quality application VM or language interpreter which does not support threading. This isn't an empty set, but it's not a particularly large list either. Name me one other application VM that does not currently sport an aggressive, modern JIT.
    His first comment reply, in full, is:
    I can name lots of VMs which fit your "Woe is Parrot!" criteria (Python, Perl 5, Ruby, PHP). Consider also the first few years of the JVM.
    These are great examples and are extremely true, in no small part because I was not nearly specific enough in the point I was trying to make. Mea Culpa.

    Before going any further, I want to clearly state my thesis with this series of posts and comments. It consists of three parts:
    One, Parrot isn't nearly as competitive now in the dynamic language runtime realm as it could (and maybe should) be. Two, we can increase our rate of improvement with focused objectives and more developer motivation. Three, if we do that I project Parrot to be among the top-tier of dynamic language runtime environments within the next 1-5 years.
    If you don't agree with that, stop reading. Everything that I say after this point is in direct support of that statement. Where it might appear that something I say contradicts that, I've probably mistyped something.

    If we look at the case of multithreading, three of the examples that chromatic listed above do have some support. Python, Perl5, and Ruby all do support some variety of threading, of some usability level. PHP is the odd man out in this regard, though the argument could easily be made that the webserver niche where PHP primarily lives really doesn't need and doesn't want threading. I won't expand on that topic here, but I will say this: PHP does not support threading, and is definitely a production-quality language interpreter in use by many companies. Point made.

    In terms of JIT, I was drawing an unnecessary and mostly fictitious line between programs which have far more similarities than differences, and I did little to clarify what I meant. So, I'll throw away that entire question.

    The second part of chromatic's statement is a little bit easier to respond to. The first Java Virtual Machine was released in 1995. That's 15 years ago, and even though that initial release did not stand the test of time it was temporarily considered to be the state of the art. No, Java 1.0 did not support threading as we would expect it now. But then again, in 1995 it would have been much harder to find a multicore processor capable of exploiting the scalability of threaded application. In a single-processor environment, cheap green threads were definitely a competitive and acceptable alternative to true native threading. 15 years later, multicore processors are the norm, and a threading strategy based completely on green threads is hardly acceptable by itself. This is all not to mention a dozen other subsystems in the original JVM that were immature then and would be absolutely laughable now.

    Trying to compare Parrot in 2010 to Java in 1995 is both telling and depressing. Sure, it's a victory for Parrot, but not one that we should ever mention again. I'm bigger and stronger than my 9 month old son. That doesn't mean I want to get into a fist fight with him (even though I would totally win).

    Let me pose a question though that should provoke a little bit of thought (and, I'm sure, more anger): Consider a world that had no Perl language. Larry Wall got busy and worked on other projects for 25 years, and never released Perl to the world. Then, in a flash of light and unicorns in 2010 he releases, from nowhere, a fully-formed Perl 5.12 interpreter as we know it today. Like Athena springing fully-formed from the head of Zeus. Would you use that Perl today?

    Would you use a language like Perl 5.12 if you hadn't already been using it, if your job wasn't using because it had been using it for years, if neither you nor anybody in your company had prior expertise in it and were not demonstrably able to work miracles with it? Would you use Perl 5.12 today if there wasn't a huge preexisting community and if there wasn't the miracle of CPAN? Would you use Perl 5.12 knowing about some of it's idiosyncrasies, the weaknesses of it's default exceptions system, the uninspiring nothingness of it's default object metamodel, or the sheer fact that in 2010 you still can't define function parameters with a meaningful function signature? Is that an investment of time, energy, and maybe money that you would make considering some of the other options available today?

    Now, I'm not ragging on Perl. I want to state that very clearly before chromatic buys a plane ticket, travels to Pennsylvania, and punches me in the back of the head. Perl 5 is a fine language and obviously doesn't exist in the kind of vacuum that I contemplate above. There is a huge community of Perl programmers. There are vast amounts of institutional knowledge. There is the entirety of the CPAN. There are modules like Try::Tiny, and Moose, and Method::Signatures which can be used to build some pretty impressive modern (and even "post-modern") things on top of Perl 5's default tabula rasa. On top of all that, Perl is demonstrably stable. Robust. Flexible. Usable. Coders in other languages invent terms like "Rapid Application Development" and "Rapid Prototyping" to describe what the Perl people call "a slow day at the office". People everywhere may debate the aesthetics of sigils and the multitude of operators, but nobody questions the fitness of Perl for use as a programming tool. It's competency and utility are unassailable.

    Here's my point: Take a look at the Perl 5 base technology. Take a serious, hard look at it. At the very most, the stand-alone Perl 5 interpreter is flexible, but technologically unimpressive. Nothing that the base Perl interpreter provides is the jaw-dropping, nerd-orgasming state-of-the-art. I could point to a dozen performance benchmarks that pit modern Perl 5 against modern Python, Ruby, Java, and whatever else, and Perl 5 almost always comes in dead last (notice that we're not benchmarking the time it takes to write the code). That's fine. It is in the context of history, community and ecosystem that Perl 5 becomes a strong competitive force in the world of computer programming. We know that a great Perl coder can write more functionality in one line of apparent gibberish than a Java coder can write in a whole page of code. We know that the same great Perl coder can write his solution faster. It is because people have written the tools and modules, that people have identified best practices, that people can do so much in so little time, and because people have taken the time to distill down to the elegant essence of Modern Perl, that we love and use Perl.

    The problem I identify in Parrot is a bootstrapping problem. Perl 5 has plenty of reasons to use it besides just performance and a technical feature set. Parrot does not. Parrot needs to provide a massive, overwhelming technological impetus for new developers to use it and to get involved with. Attracting those new developers further accelerates the pace of development, both of the core VM and the ecosystem. All these improved components, in turn, attract more people. It's a bootstrapping problem, and Parrot needs something compelling to get the cycle started.

    Make a great product. Attract more minds. Develop a bigger ecosystem. Build a better product. Repeat.

    In his blog post, chromatic takes exception to the word "mature" I used in the previous post. I won't use that word any more. In his comments, he also expressed a dislike of the word "enterprise". I won't use that word either. They were probably bad choices.

    In his blog post, chromatic says :
    His argument is that a focus on threading and a focus on JIT is necessary for enterprises or language communities to consider Parrot a useful platform.
    I can see his point, and yet (as usual) I challenge the terms of the debate itself.
    Do challenge it. That's not really what I said. I mentioned the two particular cases of threading and JIT as things that I think Parrot is going to need to be competitive in the world of 2010. Perl 5, and Python, and Ruby, and all sorts of other things that chromatic mentions don't have both these things, so the counter-argument appears that none of these are suitable, competitive platforms either. That's not what I said either. Keeping up with the comparison I've been trying to make between Perl 5 and Parrot, here is a summary view of what both bring to the table:
    • Perl 5: Reasonable, but not blockbuster performance. Huge ecosystem of modules, add-ins, tools, and applications written in Perl. Huge preexisting developer base with large amounts of institutional knowledge. Long and storied history of robustness, stability and fitness. Institutional inertia (people using Perl next year, at least partially because they have been using it this year).
    • Parrot: Reasonable, but not blockbuster performance. Extremely small (but growing) ecosystem of dependent projects. Extremely small (but growing) preexisting developer base. Very little history of Parrot being stable and robust, considering the huge changes that the project has to make on a regular basis to improve itself.
    So if you're a developer, or a manager, a graduate student, or a hobbyist, or anybody else who has a great idea and is looking for a platform on which to implement it, which of these two would you choose? I'll give you a hint: If you reach into your pocket for a coin to flip, or reach to the shelf for a magic 8-ball to help answer the question, you probably need to re-read the choices more carefully.

    JIT is a feature that Parrot can use to set itself apart from the pack, not something that's a necessary requirement to join in. JIT is a leg up that Parrot can use to gain some traction against another runtime environmnt like Perl 5, Python 3, Ruby, or PHP 5 which have so many compelling stand-apart features of their own. Stable and scalable threading is another one. And Parrot needs to be fast. When groups like Facebook are talking about compiling PHP code down to C, you know that performance is an issue in the world of dynamic languages. It is foolhardy to think Parrot can succeed (for any definition thereof) without dramatically improved performance over what it offers now.

    In the end, this is really a fallacious argument anyway. I'm sure chromatic has pointed that out by now. Parrot isn't a language like Perl 5 is a language, so the two aren't really comparable in a direct way. Parrot doesn't target the same kind of audience that Perl 5 targets. Parrot targets people like the ones who make Perl 5.

    The idea of porting Perl 5 to run on top of Parrot was once kicked around in a semi-serious kind of way. I don't remember what number it was exactly, I think it was something like the 5.14 release was supposed to be running happily on top of Parrot. Let's revive that discussion a little bit. What kind of feature set would Parrot need to have to make a compelling argument for the Perl 5 development team to focus their energy whole-hog on porting to Parrot instead of improving Perl 5 in place? What kinds of tools would Parrot need to provide to smooth the way? If I want to see Perl 5.98 be released on Parrot, what do we need to do to make that happen? In answering this, I'm more interested in hearing about the shortcomings of Parrot (which I can work to fix) than the shortcomings of Perl (which I will not).

    Rumors have been floating around for over a year now about a complete rewrite of PHP called PHP 6. They want unicode support built-in. We have unicode support built-in. What do we need to do to make a compelling argument in favor of building a new PHP 6 language on top of Parrot? What do the PHP designers and developers need to see to be convinced that Parrot is the way to go, instead of pulling out the old C compiler and starting from scratch?

    In 5 years when maybe Python and Ruby people are looking to rewrite their languages, what do we need to have on the table to convince them to use Parrot as a starting point.

    These are the important questions. Nothing else really matters. If language designers and compiler developers don't use Parrot and don't want to use Parrot, we've lost.

    Parrot needs honest, constructive criticism. It is neither offensive nor overly aggressive to provide it. We need to set aggressive, but realistic goals as a team. There are several planned parts of Parrot that need to be implemented, and several existing parts that need to be re-implemented. Good goals will help to inform those designs and tune those implementations. Eventually, our wildest dreams can become reality.

    Sunday, September 19, 2010

    Parrot as a Mature Platform

    Yesterday I met with Jim Keenan, fellow neophyte on the Parrot Foundation board. We got together for an informal get-together yesterday at a Barnes and Nobel, and had a highly productive little chat about Parrot: the foundation, the culture, the community, and the software. Obviously no "official" business happened at this little meetup, but we did get to know each other better and discussed a number of things. In this post, and others in the coming days, I'm going to talk about some of the points that came up in this meeting.

    I've said many times, on this blog and elsewhere, that I don't think Parrot is currently a mature platform. It is certainly not suitable for use in a professional, production environment. I mentioned this sentiment to Jim, and he asked for some clarification. What did I mean by that?

    Let me illustrate with a few examples.

    You're employed as a system designer, and are preparing sketches for your companies next-generation software product. The success or failure of your design will have extreme effects on your current position, and maybe even on your career in the long term. In short, the design needs to be solid, flexible, expandible, robust, and all sorts of other good things. So here's the question: Do you choose Parrot as the basis for your new system, right now? If not, why?

    Thought about it? Let me share a few answers with you, in the form of more questions. Name me one other mature, production-quality application VM or language interpreter which does not support threading. This isn't an empty set, but it's not a particularly large list either. Name me one other application VM that does not currently sport an aggressive, modern JIT.

    Here's another example. Go to Google Scholar and search for papers and patents involving virtual machines. What percentage of the resulting papers use the Java Hotspot VM as the basis for their research? The .NET CLI? Smalltalk? Now take a closer look and count up how many results are based on Parrot? How many papers even mention Parrot in the footnotes?

    You're a graduate student pursuing a PhD in CompSci. You want to spend the next three years of your life researching some new feature on virtual machines, the results of which will have major effects on your career and maybe will even influence whether you graduate or not. Do you choose to implement and study your fancy new feature on Java Hotspot, or on Parrot? Why?

    Here's another example from a different direction. You work as the president of a large company which is reasonably sympathetic to the goals of the Parrot project. A Parrot contributor comes forward with a grant proposal to implement an exciting new feature. Do you cut a grant a sizable grant to support that developer through the production of that feature on Parrot, or do you spend your money elsewhere? In other words, do you expect to see a return on your investment, and do you expect that money spent on Parrot as it currently is will be well and efficiently spent? If you were doing your research and read over the long-term Parrot design, and if you were looking at the current state of the Parrot community and the community leadership, would you feel comfortable and confident to invest in it? Why or why not?

    Turning that same example around a little bit, pretend that you're me. As a foundation board member, I'm going to take that grant request from the developer, put together all the necessary paperwork and approach a philanthropist with it. What do you think are the odds that I would get laughed out of the room and told never to come back?

    Even though it's been 10 years since the start of it, Parrot really is a young project. Our long-term designs and goals are lacking. We have some extremely talented, enthusiastic, and energetic contributors, but we don't always do a great job of organizing and motivating them. There are plenty of areas where we do pretty well, but I can't think of a single aspect of the project or the community that we couldn't tune and improve. How much better do you want Parrot to be?

    I want to be very clear about one thing here: I am not being insulting or disparaging about Parrot. It is not an insult to say that Parrot is not ready for enterprise-level production deployment. It is not disparaging to say that Parrot isn't a sure bet to make when careers and livelihoods are on the line. What we do need is honest self-assessment, and to use that as a basis for making long term plans and goals.

    Starting from that honest self-assessment, we can start asking the important questions. Where do we go from here?

    Hypothetically, we approach the Python Foundation and say "in 5 years, we want Parrot to be at a level where your premier, standard Python interpreter implementation could be implemented on top of it. What would you need to see in order to comfortably make that kind of decision in favor of Parrot?" Ask the same question of the Ruby, PHP, Perl 6, and Perl 5 interpreters. What does Parrot need to do in order to convince the leaders, architects, and developers of these projects that Parrot is a modern, competitive and even a desirable platform on which to build the next generation of their software? How long do people reasonably think it would take for Parrot to get into that condition? 1 year? 3 years? 5 years? There are no wrong answers, but the more honest we are with ourselves, the more certain we can be laying out a comprehensive roadmap to get us there.

    In the coming days I'll address some of these issues. The point of this post was to get people thinking, dreaming, and doing both big.

    Wednesday, September 15, 2010

    Parrot has Smolder Again!

    Parrot's smolder server, previously hosted by, has been down for some days. Today, due to some concerted effort by particle, dukeleto, and the friendly folks at OSUOSL got a new instance of smolder set up for use by Parrot.

    I introduce you to

    Reports for Parrot proper are already flying in, but what makes this smolder server so special is that we can add support for other projects as well. Half a dozen other projects are also able to tracked on Smolder: PLA, Lua, PLParrot, Partcl, Rakudo, and Plumage. Not all of these projects have the necessary infrastructure to perform the actual uploads yet, but within a few days I'm sure they all will.

    Tonight I updated the PLA setup program and test harness to support uploads to smolder, and a few minutes ago I posted the first automated report. We posted a few test reports manually before that too. Everything is looking good so far, though I do have a few tweaks to make. Specifically, I want to include more information about the version of BLAS and LAPACK that are used in the report, which should be easy enough.

    Friday, September 10, 2010

    PLA Documentation Is Up

    I've finally gotten some online documentation for PLA up at Github Pages. The colors are the same standard dark scheme that I use for everything.  There are some things in this world that I consider myself very good at, but graphic design and effective use of colors are not in that list. If somebody with a better grasp of the color wheel would like to take a stab at a redesign, I would be very happy to accept patches.

    Documentation for PLA had been written in POD, and embedded directly in the PMC source files. This is a decent system, and is what Parrot uses, but I was becoming unhappy with it. The problem I was having was that even though converting POD to HTML is supposed to be a well-understood and oft-solved problem, I couldn't find a converter I liked that produced good-looking output. Also, I was having a hell of a time finding a tool that would give me any kind of flexibility with how the output HTML was generated, formatted, or organized. The output of the standard pod2html is horrendous, and I've found it to be very difficult to style without modifying the generated HTML by hand.

    I also am not really too happy with the way POD embeds in source code. It's too abusive of vertical space, and causes files to become completely bloated. Not to mention the fact that I don't think it's really the right solution to the problem. I could have looked into something like Doxygen, but that's only marginally better. Sure, Doxygen uses less vertical space in a file, but it's still embedded documentation that attempts to do more than it should. Documentation for prospective users should be different than documentation for prospective hackers. If it's not different, I can guarantee that one of the two groups is getting the short end of the stick. If you have documentation for hackers (as you would expect to find embedded in the C source code file), the users are going to be stuck sifting through page after page of internals minutia. What the users really want to see is information about the interface and how to use the tools, not details about every function in the C code file.

    I thought about writing a POD parser in NQP that would do what I wanted it to do, but by the time I realized how much effort that would take me, I had basically decided against using POD entirely. I do think that a standalone POD parser written in a Parrot-targetting language (NQP comes to mind immediately) would be a good thing, but I am not inclined to make it myself just yet.

    I thought about adding separate POD files to form user documentation, separate from the hacker documentation embedded in the source code. However, this didn't sit well with me either. First, as I mentioned above, the generated HTML I could get always looked terrible (and I couldn't find any compelling alternate tool which might generate better-looking pages) and it didn't really give me the flexibility that I wanted to have. It got to the point that it would have taken me more effort to write the tool I needed to get the resulting output that I wanted than it would have taken me just to rewrite the documentation using a different markup language.

    Finally I decided to embrace Github Pages wholesale. Github Pages uses the Jekyll preprocessor, which takes input in Textile, Markdown, or HTML. It gives me a lot more flexibility to break documentation up into arbitrary little chunks and keeps pages themed in a consistent way. I decided on Textile, which in my mind is easier to read and write than I ever found POD to be. So I rewrote most of the documentation in Textile with some Jekyll processor magic thrown in, and I'm pretty happy with the result.

    So happy in fact that I've considered maybe changing my entire blog format over to using Jekyll and Textile. I'm not ready for that kind of changeover just yet, but it is something I probably want to look into eventually.

    Along with some of the fixes I've made to the PLA test harness and test coverage in the last few days, this is basically one of the last requirements I had for putting out a new release of PLA. I now feel like I'm prepared to cut the release shortly after Parrot 2.8.0 comes out.

    Tuesday, September 7, 2010

    PLA Release Is Near

    I added in support for HLL mapping of autboxed types in Parrot-Linear-Algebra, and with that I feel like I'm getting pretty close to a good point for cutting a release. I don't yet have any tests for the autoboxing behavior, so I do need to write those first. Shortly thereafter I think I can get to work on the release.

    HLL mapping, for readers who may not be familiar with the term, is a very cool feature in Parrot. It allows the user to manually re-map basic types to user-defined types instead of the built-in varieties. When the VM would normally create an Integer PMC, for instance, it would instead create a custom "MyInteger" type (or whatever you called it). You can use the HLL mapping functionality to override many built-in types in many operations. What's super-cool about HLL mapping is that the mapping is defined in a particular HLL namespace, so programs with modules written in different languages could allow each module to define it's own type mappings that do not conflict with each other.

    In Parrot, an "HLL namespace" is a special type of top-level namespace object which allows the use of type mappings, among other things. In PIR code, defining an HLL is simple with the .HLL directive:

    .HLL "MyLanguage"

    All regular namespaces defined below that directive will be inside the HLL namespace. This means that so long as we make proper use of .HLL directives, we can maintain almost perfect encapsulation between modules written in different languages, which can be an extremely valuable thing for proper interoperation.

    The default HLL is called "parrot". If you don't specify an HLL directive, you will automatically be inside the "parrot" HLL namespace. To get back to there, you can type (in PIR):

    .HLL "parrot"

    I started writing some tests on Saturday, and discovered two problems that brought me to a halt: First, NQP doesn't have any built-in way to specify an HLL namespace. I also wasn't able to find any crafty, sneaky way to inject one either. Second, HLL type mapping doesn't work in the parrot namespace.

    The second problem turned out to be the most frustrating because the test programs I was writing were silently failing for no visible reason. The mapping method appeared to execute and return correctly, but none of my types were being mapped. Dutifully, I filed a bug about it. It turns out that this is by design, not accident, although I wish that it had been a little bit better documented. HLL mapping lookup operations can be a little bit expensive, so we don't want to be doing that all the time. Also, the parrot HLL is supposed to be a default, neutral space and one module shouldn't be able to break encapsulation and modify that HLL namespace in a way that would adversely affect other modules written in other languages. NotFound put together a commit that throws an exception when a type mapping is attempted in this HLL, so that allays my concerns that not only was it failing, but it was failing silently.

    I also started putting together a patch in my fork of NQP-RX that adds HLL support, but the patch isn't very mature yet. If I can get this patch ready and merged into NQP-RX master in time for the 2.8.0 release, I will write up the last remaining PLA tests for this feature in NQP. Otherwise, I will write them in PIR.

    The PLA release is going to target Parrot 2.8.0. There are a few things that I want to do first, before the release is out the door:
    1. Finish writing the tests for the HLL mapping behavior, which might involve finishing up that patch to NQP
    2. Write up some decent public documentation. The default output of pod2html is pretty ugly looking, so I may end up writing a custom converter. I've started experimenting with Github Pages, though my experiments so far in using the pod2html output there have not been too attractive. I may go through and reorganize all the POD documentation source anyway. I definitely want to expand documentation and examples of certain features.
    3. Get a release, or pseudo-release of Kakapo that targets Parrot 2.8.0. If Austin isn't able to get a working release of that software that's up to his standards in the next two weeks, I may pick a revision that works well for my purposes and tag it on my Github fork. It won't be the same as a real release of Kakapo, but at least it won't be a stumbling block for me.
    4. I need to check and double-check that the setup script for PLA is doing all the correct things with respect to releasing. I need to check that the generated Plumage metadata is correct and allows complete and functional installations using Plumage. I also need to check that I can generate correct .deb and .rpm packages for those systems.
    5. I want to look into creating a windows installer, but I make absolutely no promises about that. I certainly haven't done any testing whatsoever on Windows so far, and I do not have high hopes that it will work at all there. This may be a task for the next release, or later.
    In the span of about two weeks, we could have a release of a high-performance linear algebra toolkit for Parrot. It obviously doesn't have a huge amount of functionality yet, but it is a good start and provides a solid base of some important standard operations. I've got a lot of plans for the future of this little project, but we're at a good point right now and I think it will make for a very nice release.

    Monday, September 6, 2010

    Parrot Foundation: Current Work

    I've only been a member of the Parrot Foundation board for a few days now, and I already feel exhausted by it. I've read through dozens of pages in IRS Publication 557, I've been pouring over several incomplete drafts of Form 1023. I'm not certain that either of these two documents are written completely in English.

    Luckily for me, because of the time I spent in the Wikimedia Chapters Committee, and because of some of the work I did with Wikimedia NYC and the now-defunct Wikimedia Pennsylvania, I'm not unfamiliar with this documentation or the process of gaining tax exempt status for a US non-profit corporation. It has been at least a year or two since I've really looked at this kind of paperwork, however, so I'm taking the crash-course to get back up to speed with it all. Some of it does seem more daunting than I remember!

    I've also been digging through invoices and financial records, and lots of other paperwork as well. Some of the information and documentation that I need is readily available. Some of it might not be (or, I may be looking in all the wrong places). Either way, I'm setting a break-neck pace trying to get through it all and form a comprehensive view of the current state of the Parrot Foundation.

    My goal is to put together a report about the current legal and financial state of the Foundation, and present that report to the other directors at the end of the month so we can start coming up with a plan of action for the coming year. Shortly thereafter I would love to send a status update to the general foundation membership, so we can make sure everybody is well informed about the state of the foundation and also so we can solicit some input about the future direction of it.

    I will definitely post updates, either here or to the members mailing list as I get more information. However, don't expect too much until I am ready with my full report, probably around the end of September. As a member of the board I have a lot of plans for the year, but I don't want to start anything until I make sure the foundation is on a solid footing with all the right documents properly filled out and filed with all the right organizations. It might be a big job, but it's one that I hope to complete by the end of 2010.